Our Services:
  • It represents the export business community of the country in national forums.
  • It encourages participation in national and international trade fairs and exhibitions.
  • It organizes export business promotion meetings.
  • It promotes better export business relations.
  • It strengths local trading firms and lobby.
  • It conducts on a regular basis, trainings, workshops and seminars on chamber management information exchange, documentation etc.

Activities :
The Export Council of Nepal (ECON) is a council of the Nepalese Trading firms (Traditional Garment, handicraft and woolen good's exporters) which was established in 1996. It is a non - profit making association for the promotion of export trade in overseas countries and other countries.
  • Council has link as well as relation with the government institutions specially related to trade and commerce. Council has been affiliated with the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industry and Nepal Chamber of commerce, as umbrella as leading organizations of private sector.
  • Council organizes varieties workshop, training, interaction, discussion, awareness program etc. related to export and export promotion in participation of its members and also encourages members for the participation on the programs organized by other associations.
  • Council rewards its members as pre their performance and contribution in promoting export trade of Nepal.
  • Council lobbies in policy-making government bodies to govern feasible act, policies for export promotion as well as for the amendment of existing act, policies in favor of exporters.
  • Council lobbies in the issues raised by the member to solve day-to-day problems.